Even as we recover from the pandemic, health care remains unaffordable for low-income, hardworking Floridians
Nearly 800,000 uninsured Floridians are in the coverage gap meaning they earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but too little for tax credits in the marketplace.
This year, Florida has a $6 BILLION budget surplus.
Even after you factor in the cost of the state’s 10% share, Medicaid expansion would save the state $200 MILLION a year and the American Rescue Plan would send an additional $3 BILLION to Florida. (Florida Policy Institute)
When Fighting Terminal Lung Cancer is Only Half the Battle
By: Sue E., Citrus County
I was a surgical nurse until I had to leave my job. That is when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. The premium for the COBRA insurance through my job was $1,200 a month. My current income is my social security disability payment which is barely enough to cover my rent and electricity bill; never mind my car payment or car insurance.
The Cancer Center where I get my treatment has a financial lady that has helped me figure out my insurance situation. She was able to find out that I have what’s called Medically Needy. I have a high deductible that I have to pay before Medicaid kicks in to help.
Florida has got to change. I paid into the system my whole life. The minute I can, if I’m able, I’m going to work, because I can’t survive like this. Some days I think that I may have to just go back to work as I’m recovering. I’ve got to get through this somehow because this kid’s gotta have me.