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Anchor 4

12:30 PM  |  Sign in and Light snacks


1:00 – 1:20  |  Welcome Remarks and Florida's Oral Health Landscape

Scott Darius, Florida Voices for Health

After a short welcome, we will present some background about the current state of oral health in Florida. We’ll share topline data, trends, and policy changes impact access to care and quality for Floridians.


1:20 – 2:00  |  Facilitated Discussion: Exploring Florida's Challenges

Patrick Finnerty, PWF Consulting, FVH Advisory Board

States around the country are dealing with challenges to improving oral health and Florida is no different. This session is designed to hear from Florida’s oral health stakeholders about the issues they experience first-hand. This will be a great session for providers, community workers, consumers, and policy makers to create a comprehensive picture of where we are as a state.  


2:00 – 2:10  |  Break


2:10 – 2:40  |  The National Landscape of Oral Health

Melissa Burroughs, Oral Health Campaign Manager, Families USA

The afternoon will be geared towards identifying and implementing solutions. To start, Melissa Burroughs will breakdown the national landscape of oral health, including the outcomes from state legislatures al over the country. Learn more about the progress of efforts to expand Medicaid’s adult dental benefit, the push to make oral health available in school, and more!


2:40 – 3:50  |  Facilitated Discussion: Exploring Solutions for Florida's Oral Health

Patrick Finnerty, PWF Consulting, FVH Advisory Board

Armed with a better sense of Florida’s barriers to oral health and an initial universe of policies, this facilitated discussion is meant to explore unique solutions for our state. From dental therapy to leveraging Medicaid to provide school based services, we hope to identify initiatives to unite Florida’s oral health advocacy community.  



3:50 – 4:00  |  OPEN_Florida Alignment Network & Close

Scott Darius, Florida Voices for Health

We will close by extending an invitation to join the OPEN_Florida Alignment Network. This statewide coalition is working to address the systemic barriers to care and the resulting inequality. Learn how you can be a leader in this work!

12:30 PM  |  Sign in and Light snacks


1:00 PM  |  Welcoming Remarks and Introductions

Kelly Wilson, Aging & Disability Consumer Advocate Florida Voices for Health

Karen Clay, Florida Disabilities Advocate


1:10 PM  |  Presentation: Today's Aging & Disability Network  

Kelly Wilson, Aging & Disability Consumer Advocate Florida Voices for Health

Overview of current programs and services accessed and administered through Florida's 11 Aging & Disability Centers, tour of the LTC Statewide Medicaid Managed Care process and discussion on latest developments and policy changes impacting Florida's aging and disabilities community and their caregivers.


2:10 PM  |  Snacks and Networking Break


   2:30 PM  |  Facilitated Discussion: Solutions and Next Steps

Join us for a panel discussion focused on what has and is changing, identifying common goals and defining opportunity for collaboration and engagement among consumers, long term care providers and the aging network. Kelly Wilson will moderate the discussion and will present questions and concerns from stakeholders and community/coalition members.


3:55 PM  |  Closing

Anchor 2

10:30 AM   

Sign in | Light snacks


11:00 AM   

Welcoming Remarks and Introductions

Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health


11:20 AM 

Facilitated Discussion: Deficiencies, Needs, and Gaps in Care

Patrick Finnerty, Founder, PWF Consulting, Florida Voices for Health Advisory Board


All oral health stakeholders are invited to join us for a facilitated discussion about adult dental benefits in Florida Medicaid. The new program is still being rolled out, but experiences have varied drastically statewide. Pat Finnerty will share national developments on this subject and lead a discussion about what is happening in Florida. The findings of the discussion will be memorialized and submitted as a feedback report to AHCA.


12:20 PM         

Break, Lunch, and Networking


1:00 PM           

Facilitated Discussion: Solutions and Next Steps

Our discussion will continue by taking a look at ADB models in other states for potential solutions. We will also introduce the state's 'Head to Feet' oral health grassroots campaign.


1:55 PM           


5:30 PM           

Sign in | Buffet Dinner and Drinks


6:00 PM           

Welcoming Remarks & FVH Outlook

Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health


6:10 PM           

Call to Action

Space Coast League of Women Voters


We will share a quick overview of some of Florida's most pressing health care policy issues and how people can get involved. This will include everything from Medicaid expansion to prescription drug pricing. 


6:25 PM           



Our keynote speaker will be announced soon!


6:45 PM           

Florida Health Advocate of the Year


Fighting to improve health care in Florida can often be a thankless job and any success is hard fought. We will honor and recognize the contributions of one of Florida's dozens of hard working health care advocates.


7:00 PM           

Dinner Game

Lynn Quincy, Director, Healthcare Value Hub - Altarum Institute; Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health


As we enjoy dinner and networking, groups will have the opportunity to win great prizes as part of an ice-breaker game.


7:45 PM           



Sign in | Light Breakfast



Welcoming Remarks 

Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health



Session 1 - State of Play: Florida's Health Care Landscape

Lynn Quincy, Director, Healthcare Value Hub - Altarum Institute; Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health


Altarum will present the findings of their Florida Consumer Healthcare Experience State Survey (CHESS). The report will examine is Floridians’ unbiased views on a wide range of health system issues, including confidence using the health system, financial burden and views on fixes that might be needed.






Session 2 – Healthcare Value 101: What is it and Why it Matters

Lynn Quincy, Director, Healthcare Value Hub - Altarum Institute


Worry about affording healthcare is a top consumer concern and policy makers efforts are too few and don’t take a comprehensive, consumer-friendly, evidence-based approach. This session will introduce us to the concept of Health Value, how it impacts all Floridians (not just low-income families), and how we can address it in our work. 



BREAK (Lunch service begins)



Lunch - The Advocacy Game

Florida Voices for Health Staff


Join us for the debut of a new board game that promises laughs, critical thinking, and a new perspectives on advocacy campaigns.



Facilitated Small Group Discussions

Altarum and Florida Voices for Health Staff


In small groups, we will try to find consensus on broad principles, an advocacy plan of action and time-table? To be discussed: What metrics can we use to measure success; What resources exist to help me; Who else should be part of our community and when; and How to engage impacted communities.



Group Recap and Next Steps

Altarum and Florida Voices for Health Staff


Attendees will return for a large group recap about the small group discussions. We will offer opportunities to continue working together to address health value and other issues as a statewide network. 




8:30 AM  |  Sign-In and Light Breakfast


9:00 AM  |  Welcoming Remarks 

Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health


9:15 AM  |  Session 1 - State of Play: Florida's Health Care Landscape

Lynn Quincy, Director, Healthcare Value Hub - Altarum Institute; Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health

Altarum will present the findings of their Florida Consumer Healthcare Experience State Survey (CHESS). The report will examine Floridians’ unbiased views on a wide range of health system issues, including confidence using the health system, financial burden and views on fixes that might be needed.


10:00 AM |  Keynote Speaker - Sister Simone Campbell, NETWORK 

Sister Simone Campbell has served as Executive Director of NETWORK since 2004. She is a religious leader, attorney and poet with extensive experience in public policy and advocacy for systemic change. In Washington, she lobbies on issues of economic justice, immigration reform, and healthcare. Around the country, she is a noted speaker and educator on these public policy issues. 


11:00 AM  |  BREAK 


11:15 AM |  Session 2 – Healthcare Value 101: What is it and Why it Matters

Lynn Quincy, Director, Healthcare Value Hub - Altarum Institute

Worry about affording healthcare is a top consumer concern and policy makers efforts are too few and don’t take a comprehensive, consumer-friendly, evidence-based approach. This session will introduce us to the concept of Health Value, how it impacts all Floridians (not just low-income families), and how we can address it in our work. 


12:00 PM  |  Lunch and Networking Break


1:00 PM  |  Facilitated Small Group Discussions

Altarum and Florida Voices for Health Staff

In small groups, we will try to find consensus on broad principles, an advocacy plan of action and time-table? To be discussed: What metrics can we use to measure success; What resources exist to help me; Who else should be part of our community and when; How to engage consumers; Employers have many of the same aims and are potential allies; Discuss pros/cons of other stakeholders.


2:15 PM  |  Group Recap and Next Steps

Altarum and Florida Voices for Health Staff

Attendees will return for a large group recap about the small group discussions. We will offer opportunities to continue working together to address health value and other issues as a statewide network. 


3:00 PM  |  Closing

Anchor 3

5:30 PM  |  Sign in | Buffet Dinner and Drinks


6:00 PM  |  Welcoming Remarks 

Scott Darius, Executive Director, Florida Voices for Health


6:05 PM  |  Florida's Fight for Medicaid Expansion

The the Florida Policy Institute, the Florida Health Justice Project, and Florida Voices for Health, with the support of Community Catalyst have partnered to launch the Medicaid Matters Florida project. Learn more about becoming a partner in our campaign to defend and strengthen Medicaid. 


6:30 PM  |  Keynote Speaker: Carol Gentry, Health News Florida

Carol Gentry is the founder and a special correspondent of Health News Florida. Ms. Gentry has four decades of experience covering health finance and policy, with an emphasis on consumer education and protection. She will describe the changes in the overall climate surrounding journalism and the impacts that has had on health care reporting. She will also offer practical advice on how advocates can use and effectively interact with the media.


7:00 PM  |  Networking

All partner organizations are invited to table (subject to review) for no additional cost! Simply indicate your interest on the registration form and we will follow up!


7:45 PM  |  Closing

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