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Urge Congress to Close the Coverage Gap.

In Florida and the 11 other states that refuse to expand Medicaid, more than 2 million people still live without reasonable access to health coverage. 

The Build Back Better Act currently features several policies that would make health care more affordable:

  • Covering low-income workers in the Medicaid Coverage Gap; 

  • Expanding Medicare to include dental, vision, hearing benefits and lowering the eligibility age; and

  • Improving long-term care for seniors and persons with disabilities (HCBS).

The U.S. House and Senate are now working to pass a final budget, but there is no guarantee that Medicaid expansion will be included. That's why it's critical to take action.


With one-click, contact Florida's congressional representatives and urge them to support a permanent and comprehensive fix for the coverage gap in the final budget!

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