Florida Voices for Health Seeks New Board Member to Advance Health Advocacy in Florida

Florida Voices for Health (FVH) is a coalition of community organizations, businesses, and individuals working to create a health care system that works for every Floridian. Our partners work together to bring the latest resources and information into our communities. We also make sure that the stories and the interests of hard working, low and moderate income Floridians are represented in the health reform debate.
We are currently looking to strengthen our Board of Directors by bringing on a new member with innovative ideas and some background in fundraising. The responsibilities of our board members include:
Supporting personnel
Monitoring and strengthening programs and services
Ensuring adequate financial resources
Protecting assets and providing proper financial oversight
Help to build a competent board with strong committees
Ensure legal and ethical integrity
Enhance the organization's public standing
Click here to see the complete list of board member responsibilities.
If you are interested in becoming a Florida Voices for Health board member, please click here to complete the application.
Learn more about Florida Voices for Health by downloading our brochure.