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Access to Health Care Saved My Life

On Friday, October 25, 2019, Annisa K. felt a nagging pain in her side that kept getting worse. The worse it got, the more exhausted she became. Annisa was more annoyed than concerned, as she was focused on preparing a presentation for work the next day. She took pain medication but the pain kept getting worse. Finally, she called her sister, a physician in California. When she heard Annisa's symptoms, her sister told her to head to the Emergency Room immediately. By the time she got to the ER, she was doubled over in pain and could barely get into the hospital gown.

A battery of tests was performed and a CT scan showed she had a perforated colon, a diagnosis with a 50% survival rate. The doctors told her she wouldn’t have survived if she had waited much longer. She was prepped for surgery, but to Anissa's relief her doctors decided to treat her with IV antibiotics instead. She spent 3 days in hospital and 10 days on daily outpatient IV antibiotics.

Annisa feels fortunate she had good health insurance through her job with Lee County. During her extended treatments she was able to take the time off using the Family Medical Leave Act. Through all of this she wondered, “What would I have done without insurance? Would I have gone to the emergency room or would I have tried to ride it out?”

Annisa's experience leaves her convinced that healthcare should not be a partisan or class issue. Her heart goes out to the many Floridians who don't have access to healthcare, either because their employer doesn’t provide it or they simply can’t afford it and have no choice but to "ride it out.” Access to health insurance is truly a matter of life and death, Annisa reflects. “Having access to health care saved my life."


If you’ve struggled to access health coverage and care, we invite you to share your story as a catalyst for change. We amplify these experiences to help our legislators and voters understand the health care challenges being faced by everyday Floridians. Complete the form below to share your story.


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