New Data Captures Florida's Struggle with the Medicaid Unwind
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, as of June 30th, over 1.3 million Medicaid redeterminations in the state of Florida have been completed. Of those redeterminations, 31% of Medicaid enrollees had been terminated. 45% of those terminations were due to no longer being eligible for Medicaid, and 55% of those terminations were due to procedural reasons (i.e. not responding to requests for redeterminations).

Also, last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), released new data related to eligibility renewals, call center operations, and transitions to Marketplace coverage. You can sort through the data here, but some key takeaways include:
Florida ranks 50 out of 51 on abandoned calls.
Florida ranks 49 out of 51 on call time average (40 min, Including only calls transferred to a live agent).
Community Resources
For anyone losing Medicaid coverage due to no longer being eligible, they may have coverage options through:
County-based health care plans like the Hillsborough County Health Care Plan, Pinellas County Health Care Plan, or Polk County Health Care Plan.
Additionally, the Florida KidCare application is active as of Friday (7/28) afternoon, and families no longer need to apply through the Department of Children and Families MyAccess website for subsidized or full-pay coverage!
Many of the families whose children have lost Medicaid due to no longer being eligible based on income, have had applications automatically submitted for Florida KidCare subsidized or full-pay premium coverage. If they have unpaid premiums, please have them call Florida KidCare to pay those premiums: 1-888-540-KIDS (5437).
As a reminder, Florida KidCare subsidized coverage eligibility will increase to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level for families, effective January 1st, 2024.