10 key points from the CBO report on Obamacare repeal
Here are some key facts and figures from the new CBO report on the American Health Care Act, the House-passed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare. CBO stressed the uncertainty of its estimates, given that it's hard to know which states would take up the chance to opt out of certain key parts of Obamacare. All figures are for the decade spanning 2017-2026 unless otherwise specified.
14 million
14 million fewer people will be insured one year after passage.
23 million 23 million fewer will be insured in 10 years.
$834 billion in Medicaid cuts AHCA would cut spending on Medicaid, the joint federal-state health program for low-income people, by $834 billion. The program would cover 14 million fewer people.
Premiums will go up in 2018 and 2019 Premiums will go up in 2018 and 2019. After that, there will be significant variation depending on whether someone lives in a state that opts out of key Obamacare insurance rules.
In some states, premiums would decline In states that waive some Obamacare rules, premiums would decline by 20 percent over a decade compared to current law.
Relatively stable markets One out of 6 Americans will live in an area with an unstable insurance market in 2020 where sick people could have trouble finding coverage. But 5 out of 6 would have access to relatively stable markets.
Older Americans face much higher premiums Poor, older Americans would be hit especially hard. The average 64-year-old earning just above the poverty line would have to pay about 9 times more in premiums.
Twice as many uninsured In 2026, 51 million people under age 65 would be uninsured — almost twice as many as the 28 million who would have lacked coverage under Obamacare.
Less savings The bill will save $119 billion, which is $32 billion less than a previous version of AHCA.
$664 billion It repeals $664 billion worth of taxes and fees that had financed Obamacare.
For more, visit Politico.