Florida Health Care Summit Will Explore Challenges, Practical Tools to Improve the Lives of Floridia

Despite having the fifth highest uninsured rate and the second most people in the coverage gap, opportunities to achieve a more equitable health care system in Florida are right around the corner.
Growing conversations around Medicaid expansion, improving oral and mental health, and protecting our seniors show that Floridians are ready to start moving in the right direction.
On September 12 and 13, the state’s advocates, stakeholders, and community workers will gather at the 2019 Fight Like Health Summit in Melbourne to chart a path forward. This year’s event promises to be a great mix of policy education, advocacy training, and networking with Florida’s health care stakeholders.
September 12 from 1 pm – 4 pm: Oral Health and Aging/Disabilities Convenings
The 3rd annual summit begins with opportunities to join expert facilitated conversations on two of Florida’s biggest issues: access to oral health and protecting Florida’s aging and disabilities communities.

Whether you’re a provider, consumer, or concerned citizen, join us to share your experience on where the gaps in the system exists and how they can be addressed.
The oral health discussion will be led by Patrick Finnerty, former Virginia Medicaid Director, and Melissa Burroughs from Families USA. The aging and disabilities convening will be led by Kelly Wilson, FVH’s LTC, Aging & Disability Advocate, and Karen Clay, former co-chair of the Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology.
September 12 from 6 pm – 8 pm: Advocates Reception and Keynote Speaker ($10)
As a thank you to Florida’s hardworking advocates, our community of volunteers and statewide network of partners are invited to enjoy an evening of fun and encouragement. Medicaid expansion will be the focus of the night as we’ll highlight the work being done around the state and share easy ways for people to get involved.

The Welcome Reception will also feature our keynote speaker, Carol Gentry, founder and special correspondent of Health News Florida. Ms. Gentry has four decades of experience covering health finance and policy, with an emphasis on consumer education and protection. She will describe the changes in the overall climate surrounding journalism and the impacts that has had on health care reporting. She will also offer practical advice on how advocates can use and interact with the media more effectively.
Join us for a night of networking, fun and games, and learning!
September 13 from 9 am – 3 pm: Full Day Conference ($25)

Despite the heated conversations around health care, the need to get better value for what we pay is something most Floridians can agree about.
This year’s summit will double as a Health Care Value Boot Camp hosted by the Altarum Institute’s Health Care Value Hub. The Healthcare Value Hub, based in Washington DC, identifies the best policies and practices to create a patient-centered, high-value health system that addresses inequities, high costs, and poor coordination.
Additionally, Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of NETWORK (Nuns on the Bus) will be delivering a keynote on the morning of Sept 13. At a time when our fight to improve health care seems daunting, it is important to keep perspective. Sister Simone has vast experience and success in uphill fights like we’re facing in Florida. This includes leading six cross-country “Nuns on the Bus” trips, focused on economic justice, comprehensive immigration reform, and voter turnout. Sister Simone will look to inspire our attendees and share tips on how to leverage different communities to make an impact.
This year, Altarum is bringing their Consumer Healthcare Experience State Survey (CHESS) to Florida. Lynn Quincy and Altarum staff will present the findings of the CHESS report examining Floridians’ unbiased views on a wide range of health system issues, including the financial burden of care, confidence using the health system, and views on the fixes that might be needed. Afterwards, in small and large group discussions attendees will try to find consensus on broad principles, an advocacy plan of action and a time-table for moving forward.
All conference attendees will also receive a gift card. Click here to register today!