Florida's Children Deserve The Same Irma Relief as Concealed Weapons Owners. (Right?)
What is wrong with this picture?
Hurricane Irma comes to Florida. Days later, fees for concealed weapons holders are waived by the Commissioner of Agriculture. Weeks later, low-income families enrolled in Florida KidCare (the Children’s Health Insurance Program) simply receive an extension of the deadline to pay premiums and they are told they need to pay two months of premiums at once.
Sounds almost made up, but this is life in Florida.
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, Texas waived premium payments for the CHIP program through November.
In 2005 Governor Bush waived premium payments for CHIP when the state was hit by 4 hurricanes.
Why doesn't Florida simply waive premium payments for October and November (and September if that payment was missed due to IRMA)?
Why did it take this long to come up with a policy that doesn't really take into consideration the financial struggles that so many families are experiencing?
How many children have had their health insurance coverage cancelled due to non-payment of premium for September or October to date? Any of them have special health care needs?
There are more questions than answers and Governor Scott should be the one to answer them.
Call the office of Governor Rick Scott (850-488-7146) to demand that this situation is fixed or email him here.