Florida House Passes Medicaid Work Requirements, Now In Senate.

Under legislation passed last night in the Florida House of Representatives (House Bill 955), low-income Floridians who rely on Medicaid may have to meet new work requirements to keep their health care coverage. The bill passed on a 71-44 vote despite the House's analysis that concludes that "the bill will have significant negative fiscal impact" if the federal government approves it.
Medicaid recipients would have to prove to the state that they are working, actively seeking work or enrolled in a job-training program or are unable to work. It wouldn't apply to people with disabilities, the elderly and children, groups that make up the majority of Florida's Medicaid enrollment.
Unfortunately, work requirements won’t help better deliver care to Medicaid enrollees, and are impermissible under Medicaid law. Work requirements also won’t help unemployed low-income Floridians find and keep jobs. Especially in a state without Medicaid expansion.
A recent report from Community Catalyst found that in Florida, a family of 2 earning minimum wage will actually become ineligible for Medicaid if meeting a 20 hr work reporting requirement.

Standing Up for Medicaid
Currently, over 4 million Floridians are enrolled in Medicaid. 61% of Florida's adult Medicaid enrollees are working, while a significant portion of the remaining 39% are individuals with disabilities, caretakers, and students.
It’s more important than ever for state lawmakers to understand the value of Medicaid and how hard enrollees are already working. Share your story with us and help us tell lawmakers what life is really like for hardworking Floridians!