It's Medicaid's 55th Birthday! Help Protect and Strengthen it While Floridians Need it the M
July 30 is Medicaid’s birthday, and all Americans should celebrate. Medicaid now covers 2 in 5 children in Florida and 4 in 7 disabled Floridians needing nursing-home care. Medicaid is not perfect, but it is a huge help to millions of people, including 4 million Floridians.

Medicaid is especially important during economic downturns, enabling people who have lost jobs and their insurance to access coverage and care in times of financial stress. Individuals who gained Medicaid coverage are less likely to have medical debt and less likely to have experienced catastrophic medical expenses.
Unfortunately, 607,000 workers in Florida lost their jobs and healthcare coverage between February and May 2020. Florida now has the second highest rate of uninsured workers in America at 25 percent of the state’s nonelderly population. At least 155,721 Floridians enrolled in Medicaid in April alone.
Why it is Important to Speak Up Now: Florida Medicaid Facing Cuts
During economic downturns, states often turn to provider rate cuts and benefit restrictions to control Medicaid spending. Florida is already seeking to extend cuts to Retroactive Medicaid Eligibility through June 30, 2024 without legislative authorization or data.
Back in March, Gov. DeSantis made the right decision by waiving work requirements for SNAP and TANF and recertification requirements for SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid. But now the Florida Department of Children and Families has indicated that all these requirements will be reimposed effective July 2020, even though hundreds of thousands of Floridians are unemployed and COVID cases are skyrocketing. Click here to learn more.
Take action to show Florida’s officials how important a strong safety-net is to our state. Now is the time to invest in hard-working Floridians by expanding health coverage not limiting services.
What You Can Do!

Sign this “Birthday Card” of support for Florida’s Medicaid program by filling out this form. Tell us how Medicaid has helped you or your family or simply sign-on in support.
A copy will be sent to our leaders in Tallahassee!
Share on Social Media: Join in a first-ever #MedicaidBirthdayBakeOff on Thursday, July 30. We're challenging you to post your best and most delicious treats to celebrate Medicaid's birthday. Use the hashtag all day to post your confectionery treats!